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Destroy your TV

Destroy your TV

We finally cancelled television at our house. What a relief. We never watch it. Programming is 99.99999% unwatchable. Everything is geared toward the lowest common denominator. The commercials are louder than the actual program. The ads for pharmaceuticals all make me feel like I have whatever dread disease is being described. Reality TV is not real. I don’t want my MTV. Anything that is worth watching can be seen via computer and internet.

Now, baseball is a different story. I have undying love for the Phillies under the worst of circumstances, but now, they are the defendning champions and they look like they could do some damage again in ’09. But you know what, I don’t need to sit and watch these games on TV. I have always loved listening to Phillies games on the radio and last year, even in the thick of a title hunt, we still preferred the radio. If they make the playoffs and we need to see coverage on the idiot box, we can head down to the local pub.

So that’s that. Goodbye Comcast. Don’t let the door hit you in the but on your way out!

The latest…

It occurs to me that every post could have this title…

I haven’t posted the next movie yet. We saw some great Phillies games and Em’s Dad is in town. She’s back on inpatient yesterday and today, so that’s really the focus of activity. She seems to be doing well at the moment, but we’ll see what the weekend holds, as the white count is a bit low.

Other than that, Passover is pretty much here, and Dorothy and her family will be following shortly. That should be interesting. We’ll see how much activity I’m up for, as far as Seders and what not.

Other than that, work has mellowed out a bit, but there’s a civil rights case that needs some TLC after yesterday’s plaintiff deposition. The client did well, but I want to set it up right. Maybe I’ll call my new friend Dr. Goldstein.