Mutual Fans?

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Neil Gaiman
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor NASA Name Contest

The interview is not the most brilliant moment for either f these two geniuses, but how great is it to see them together. Neil should have taken the bait on Tom Bombadil, but you can’t fault him. He was on his way out of New York to be with his family following the sudden death of his father. That edge of darkness is always there.

The Low Point

George R. R. Martin's STORM OF SWORDS

I’ve now finished three of these monstrous books and it’s time for a break. This is great fantasy with politics, sex, battle, and just a touch of the supernatural. A lot of major characters get killed off, which is no problem, because it sooooo long. Each volume is nearly 1000 pages. I need to take a break before the next one, just to get my head out of crazy Dungeon and Dragon land.

The Ice & Fire series is tedious, but it’s nothing compared to chemo. Em is now finished with inpatient #5, which means this weekend just plain sucks. Bad taste in mouth, no energy, meager appetite and just general suckiness. Of course, the animals are helping out a good bit. Right now, Grace is parked on Em’s chest and providing a soothing and relaxing hot-water-bottle treatment. It’s nice of that cat to help me out a bit.

The Phillies are getting beaten up by the Giants right now. After last night’s emotional come-from-behind win, it’s hard to imagine they can sustain the intensity. On another sports-related note, Massa is on pole for Turkey, which will hold its Grand P tomorrow. The Indy 500 qualifying is today, I think, but I have to say I’m not all that interested.

That’s it for now. I’m overdue for updating the site, but it’s good to just check in, blog-wise. Peace and love to you all!!