Friday is here! Bring on the Battlestar

I’m sitting with Em, watching a pretty good Phillies game and waiting for the season premier of Battlestar. We had some tough times earlier, but some hugs and tears later, and some outstanding Chiwishi, we’re doing OK.

I think there’s not enough room between paragraphs, but that’s an admin issue. There are some updates and things that should be mentioned about ol’ I’m a little disturbed about the URL and the referral. I would prefer for ‘’ to just take you right to this site, without the word ‘wordpress’ in the title. The problem is that I have to review the installation instructions. When I started with this thing, I didn’t know if this was going to work out. Seems like it is, so far.

I’ve got streaming audio with a nice little playlist. I’d almost like to get the thing to play on it’s own and scramble the selections, but I’m otherwise satisfied with that. Also, there are a lot of stupid decorations just thrown on to the ‘Music‘ page. These are silly, but they make me smile.

An issue I’m interested in is using the ‘categories’ feature to collect posts on different ‘pages’. For example, you should be able to access all the ‘law’ posts on the law page. Same with ‘motorsport’. So if I do a post about MpomyCo Orianna Momentum, that should be attached to the Motorsport page. Right now, of course, there is no Law page and there is currently nothing at the Motorsport page.