Liberators or Occupiers

Happy Friday, everyone. I’ve been wanting to do do this one for a while, but there is never a good time to “criticize” your “friends.” I’m using quotation marks because I’m not really criticizing and these folks are not my friends, despite our being joined for a common purpose. I am talking about the The Lincoln Project….


We are not done with this virus


Every day I check a lot of websites that usually have stories and columns I don’t agree with. I look at the opinion section of the Wall Street Journal, plus the headlines on FoxNews, RedState, Drudgereport, Breitbart and the Daily Caller. On the one hand, this is me indulging in some flagrant “both sides-ism,” but I want to see what’s happening outside my elite, liberal echo chamber. Today, I can tell you what’s NOT happening: COVID-19…


Tear it all down


Despite having lived on this earth for almost half a century, I am still learning every day. I have tried to always be open minded as I have viewed life as a journey where I am on a constant quest for knowledge. But, for example, I didn’t know what ‘social distancing’ was, and now it appears as a widespread phenomenon that has saved countless lives. Another thing I didn’t know about was police department abolition….


Who’s the boss (of Twitter)?

Have I got a deal for you! I will sell you the most influential and important communications platform ever devised, for pennies on the dollar. You will own the means by which the whole world communicates. Yes, it’s true that Twitter hasn’t made a lot of money considering its status in the world of news and information, but you’re smart. After all, you’ve got access to enough capital to make this deal happen, right? So, whaddya say?


Tara Reade lost in the shuffle?


I’m looking through the conservative websites for any evidence of Tara Reade. What happened? There are dozens and dozens of links on Not one mentions her name. Over on there are literally hundreds of stories linked and none of them are about her. has one story linked to the front page, but it’s from three days ago. Trump’s new favorite, the OAN network, has nothing about her on its front page right now. How did all the air come out of the balloon so quickly? …


Gathering is bad for public health?


When I first heard that the novel coronavirus was coming to the United States, the only analog from my past I could refer to was hurricane prep or a massive blizzard. The distinction, as I looked forward, was that this shut-down was going to affect the whole country at once. I always believed that the condition, though widespread, would just be temporary. A matter of weeks. As cases and deaths mounted, I could see quickly how wrong I had been. …


Liberated Wisconsin?

I’m just taking a look at Wednesday’s opinion from the Wisconsin Supreme Court which overturned Governor Tony Evers’ stay-at-home order. It’s surprising that most of the news articles don’t link to the public document, but prefer to highlight the political dynamic, rather than the Court’s reasoning. I was curious to get beneath the headlines a little bit to see how the Court justified a ruling that could cost people their lives….


The Political Stuff

Hello, Friends:

I’m really excited to announce that I am now working with some very good folks at , and that is where I’ll be posting the current events rants from now on. You can also check out some video discussions on the associated YouTube channel:

I’ll keep putting previews here with a link to the full article, which is still free of course. Thanks so much for reading and I’ll see you in the comments section of!

Trump Tax Endgame?

The Supreme Court heard argument today in a number of consolidated cases that seek release of Trump’s tax returns. For a man who appears to commit crimes and abuse power in public view ALL THE TIME, the tax returns have proven to be quite a sticking point. Trump demonstrably has no shame whatsoever, yet is fighting tooth and nail to keep the taxes secret. Could this be the smoking gun that finally brings down his presidency?